GMETA Farming

Farming Pools:

  • Stake GRBE to earn GMETA

  • Stake GMETA to earn GMETA

  • Stake GFRUIT to earn GMETA

  • Farm GRBE-BUSD LP tokens to earn GMETA

  • Farm GMETA-BUSD LP tokens to earn GMETA

  • Farm GFRUIT-BUSD LP tokens to earn GMETA

Farming terms:

  • When you first start staking/farming, the rewards will be locked for 14 days. The 14-day timer resets every time you add more deposits in the pools. No claim timer reset for withdrawal.

  • After the full 14-day period finishes, the rewards are claimable every 48 hours. The 48-hour timer resets every time you add more deposits in the pools. No claim timer reset for withdrawal.

  • You can deposit/withdraw in the Farming Pools any time with no deposit/withdrawal fees.

  • Green Meta Farm does not support Green Hero staking.

How to Stake GRBE/GMETA to earn GMETA

1. Go to the Pools page

2. Connect to your BEP 20 wallet by clicking the Connect Wallet button (top right-hand side).

3. Choose the Pool you want to stake in.

4. For the first time you stake, you will need to unlock your wallet before you can make the staking transactions.

5. Please input the number of tokens you wish to stake.

6. Click "Deposit" and then "Confirm" with your wallet. When the transaction is confirmed, your tokens are successfully staked. Enjoy the rewards!

To withdraw the GRBE, choose the “Withdraw” tab.

How to Farm LP token to earn GMETA

You’re going to need some "LP Tokens" to enter into a Farm with. Farms can only accept their own exact LP Token; for example, the GRBE - BUSD Farm will only accept GRBE - BUSD LP Tokens.

To get the exact LP Token, you'll need to provide liquidity for that trading pair. For example, to get GRBE - BUSD LP Tokens, you'll first have to provide liquidity for the GRBE - BUSD pair.

1. Finding your Farm

Before you proceed, you'll want to choose a Farm that's right for you. Go to … and you’ll see a list of available Farms.

2. Providing liquidity to get LP Tokens

Now that you've found a Farm to stake in, you will need to add liquidity to get your LP Tokens. Click "Add Liquidity", you will be moved to PancakeSwap for adding liquidity. If you already own the LP token of the pool, please ignore this step.

3. For the first time you stake, you will need to unlock your wallet before you can make the staking transactions.

4. Input the LP Token that you wish to stake.

5. Click "Deposit" and then "Confirm" with your wallet. When the transaction is confirmed, your LP tokens are successfully staked. Enjoy the rewards!

To remove the LP token, click the "Withdraw” tab. Then go to “Remove Liquidity”, you will be moved to PancakeSwap for liquidity removal.

Last updated

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